An important part of the training is what we refer to as THE PLAN OF ACTION.

Each TRAINEE draws up a plan which suits their particular school's ethos and organisation.  This document can be worked on at any stage of the training although it is likely to benefit from what you learn during the training experience. When you consider it ready to be appraised it should be emailed as an attachment to

We often find,  as the training progresses, that THE PLAN OF ACTION can be much improved and the opportunity to discuss possible refinements is built in to the agenda for FACE TO FACE: SESSION FIVE.


A PLAN OF ACTION is drawn up to ensure that whatever the context of a TRAINEE’S intended use of CUSTTAD, it is properly bedded in and all necessary communications/explanations have been attended to. It is an organisational blueprint giving the approach the best chance of success and in practical terms it is a checklist for TRAINEES to follow. It can usually be accommodated on an A4 sized page.

We therefore ask all trainees to draw up such a plan regardless of whether they are fitting into a pre-existing structure or establishing a new one.  A PLAN OF ACTION should be a series of bullet points addressing these main areas - and for those setting up a new facility - with a timetable for when each will be attended to.

Questions to be answered: 

  • Who needs to know about CUSTTAD and what do they need to know? Itemise them all, both internal and external to the school/ organisation.
  • How and when will this happen?
  • Who will be involved in the above? 
  • What is the Referral System - and who will be involved in the various steps?
  •  Itemise all issues requiring attention if using a shared resource outwith your own school/organisation. 
  • The arrangements for keeping a record of children seen and where these will be securely kept - see Record Card in TRAINING DOCUMENTS.

    NB In drawing up your PLAN OF ACTION you are expected to confer with those responsible for the management of your school/organization. Your plan is likely to be developed and improved over the course of the training and should not be implemented until it has been discussed during FACE TO FACE SESSION FIVE. 

    The completed and finalized PLAN OF ACTION is submitted as an attachment along with your FINAL ASSESSMENT PAPER to CUSTTAD at   

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