Below is some of the information which was discussed at FACE TO FACE: SESSION FIVE This is followed by several more detailed comments on  the actual document. 

  • This is the document which provides the TRAINEE with a structure in which to place their observations and comments about their use of CUSTTAD with a child. 
  • A TRAINEE is required to work with one child for at least four sessions of approximately one hour each and to keep a careful record of the entire process.
  • The completed document should be submitted for appraisal to The previous request for a version of the document in a folder has been abandoned.
  • The document is intended to read like a comprehensive account of the child's experience in the CUSTTAD room - with comments by the CUSTTAD WORKER about their experience enhancing the account. It should provide for anyone, with or without a knowledge of the approach, a coherent description of what occurred.
  • GENERAL APPEARANCE: the description of the child is required once only unless there are any marked changes in the child's physical or behavioural characteristics as the practice sessions proceed.
  • The term ONGOING FORMULATIONS has in the past caused some confusion for some Trainees.  To clarify: you are being asked to comment on what you have observed, what your thoughts are about what you have observed and what - if anything - you plan to do about them.  These comments - which will obviously be different - are required for EACH SESSION.

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